
You are likely here because you have been in the deeply difficult position of experiencing Trauma. In response to this, your body took the steps it is supposed to take. Your brain fired out all the right messages, all the right neurochemicals were released, the right parts of your nervous system were activated, and you may have experienced such intensity that the whole timeframe is now a blur, or you may remember every single detail.

Either way, your body didn’t quite return to homeostasis, that state of calm, safety, and openness to new experience. This is very common after exposure to trauma and there is a lot of research on why some people develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress, and others do not. One recent study (2023) indicates a pre-existing amount of a certain hormone in the body which, when triggered for release through an extreme stressor, floods the system and is measurably higher in people who experience these symptoms compared with those who do not.

No matter the cause (and there are likely many contributing factors), the result is painful, and can be debilitating in some cases. What you are experiencing is hard, truly hard, and can be extremely difficult to manage. It can take a long time before you are ready to even start thinking about next steps. But – here you are, which is amazing.

INtroduction to NPTS

This program contains several areas of focus (modules) designed to support understanding, and create space for interaction, practice, and feedback. As the user, your role is to decide which module you’d like to engage with, and how you would like to engage with it. You control the pace and intensity. If an area of focus feels interesting or helpful, you may wish to spend more time there, repeating, practicing, and reflecting. If an area of focus feels daunting or uncomfortable, you may wish to skip it for now, but it is important to consider why you feel this way, and what may help you feel more comfortable in this area later on.

In this model, by stating the preferred area of focus for the session, you set the tone and pace of the session. You could choose one session per module, you could cover two modules in one session, you could work deeply into certain modules over several sessions because they resonate more strongly or feel important to your healing journey. The choice is yours.

is this right for me?

Before you get started, it is important to take some time to consider whether this program is right for you. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to responding to trauma. You may be in a stage of post-traumatic stress that will not permit you to onboard new information in this format. You may have a natural tendency toward alternative models of support better suited to your style of learning or thinking. All of this is normal, and it is important to reflect on whether the concepts, exercises, and ways of learning in this program may work for you. The assessments you have already taken as part of participation in this training may help you determine if this kind of content, and this way of learning are a good fit for you.


How was NPTS developed?

This program has been created based on input from people with lived experience of post-traumatic stress. The design follows a unique ‘choose your own adventure’ model whereby the user has full insight into the overview of the program, and full control over how, when, where, and in what order they are inclined to participate. This is based on evidence from shared decision-making models showing that when people are included in their own healthcare planning, outcomes are improved.

What is it all about?

The NPTS program is based on principles of nonattachment, an intentional practice of acceptance, releasing and fostering a connection to the present moment. Nonattachment encourages the adoption of a universally interconnected self and works to create space for intentionality between experiences and your response to them. People who score higher in nonattachment assessments benefit from a wide variety of functional outcomes. These include reduced anxiety, reduced depression, being less prone to stress, better emotional regulation, improved relationship harmony and greater life satisfaction.

Who developed NPTS?

NPTS contains areas of focus contributed by people who have experienced post-traumatic stress. This is important because as you go through the module menu, you will see how common some of the symptoms you may be experiencing are, how real they are, and how normal they are. It can be hard to see that when you’re in the thick of it. The contributors recognised this and offered their insight for this purpose.

How does it work?

NPTS is designed to teach you how to integrate nonattachment into everyday life and especially into the ways you manage the symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Each module incorporates principles and exercises from existing therapeutic modalities, including dialectical behaviour therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, compassion-focussed therapy, and mindfulness-based interventions, which have been shown to facilitate positive outcomes in post-traumatic stress.

What is the goal?

The target outcome of NPTS is to support a healthier and more functional sense of peace and reconnection to personal values. NPTS aims to achieve this through learning, exercises of discovery and reflection, supporting a stronger mind-body connection, and training new ways to engage with everyday life.